I admit it, I am not prepared for a fire. Yes, I have smoke detectors and a fire extinguisher in the kitchen, but beyond that, I haven’t really been thinking about fire.

Two months ago, I saw smoke rising from a house in our neighborhood. The house burned to the ground and everyone was talking about it. After I learned that nobody was hurt, I thought fleetingly “what if that was my house?” but the challenges of daily life took over and I took no action. Now when I pass the house on my morning run, I hardly notice the lot where the house once stood.

The Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) reported that in 2020 fire was responsible for 3,500 deaths in the United States; 15,200 injuries; and $21.9 billion in direct property damage.

While the potential for deaths should be my main motivation to prepare for a fire, strangely it’s the fact that $21.9 billion in property damage that really catches my attention. I know that my home insurance will protect me from many of the impacts of fire, but what about all of the things I’ve collected over the years? What about the award I won? the photographs from first grade? the jewelry? It’s impossible to put a price on the sentimental value of these things.

Recently, I read that after a devastating house fire, it is possible to find the following things in the rubble: jewelry, silver coins, filing cabinets, metal tools, silverware, cookware, barbeque grills, some appliances, stone tables, and FIRE SAFES. This is what I needed to finally take action!

I just bought an excellent fire safe that can withstand temperatures up to 1,700 degrees Fahrenheit (926 degrees Celsius). Now I have peace of mind knowing that the things I cherish most are secure regardless of the circumstances.

Have a look at the great selection of fire safes at The prices are great and the service is legendary.

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